Poem: Rich Man’s Family

by Josh Kight on September 14, 2010 · 0 comments

Rich Man’s Family       

Lying on cracked concrete

 His body Leaking life like icing

running off a cake in the sun

The surgeon’s spirit spoke through

His son’s shattered jaw:

”Let this cup pass

It burns going down

Scorching my memories of you

Burning every bush

Eating tissue in great gulps

Until I watch as your skin collapses

Like a tent over broken poles.”

The surgeon’s son

When his splurge was on

Left wrecked cars with regularity

Riding waves of swelling coke lines

Pushed through his artery’s vines.

“Yea though I walk through the valley of Meth

I will fear no feeble, for thou art with me “

“Better living through chemistry”

His sister tanned till she blistered

She stirred bliss by the sun

Sacrificing meat and skin to Apollo

She prayed;”Thou art with me,

Thy rod and thy laugh comport me”

She could hear the cries

Of the harpies from Channel 8

“Pale and plump

Pale and plump”

And she said,”I will be slim and sunk

In the dark

Until thy ears hearken to my cries

O’ great sun God

And I am filled, warmed by the creams

Searching and filling every  pocket and seam

Of flesh grilled and botoxed ,

I am your stuffed pepper on the grill.”


In the evening she retired to a dripping cave

                                                                                                                                                                        Where her madness grew by water marinated in pool lights.

The paper headlines read:

“Child of Philanthropist dies at 50 “

In her cave she broke

Hid and ate in the sunken gardens

Where the mind drowns

Leaving odd shapes as it sinks

Candles flickered on her waxed hairless body

Giving a warm glow to blue skin.

The surgeon’s prince found his way

Up one hundred and one floors

On a last China white voyage

Breathing the dense air of his disease

Eyes locked permanently in reverse

Where he can converse

With Chrysler’s gargoyles who speak

With Aluminum jaws:

“Clack!  Look at the steam that rises

From the scrambled touches

Of the ants below

Streaking the glass

In houses on the plains.”

“Clack! Trial balloons rise

To show us the new Jericho

And a new Joshua will bring it down

With a saxophone solo

Mocking the flayed crawling dogs

Barking in city hall’s yards

As heaps of concrete fall”

“Clack! This city will burn

In a flood of fire

Washing away the pole hangers

And the suit fillers alike

Your flight is ready sir

And it will reset

High and low.”


Together they stared at Chicago’s hazy glow with raw pity

While one last Byrd riff played on a stolen boom box

Then the surgeon’s son flew

And the whole city wondered

At his splendid exit.

Joshua Kight 9/8/10

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